The Master of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics at Kansas State University

A Master of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics (MSPO) degree is a two-year graduate program housed within the Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology. This field deals with the evaluation and fabrication of artificial limbs and orthopedic braces. The prosthetic devices stabilize and normalize joints and motion while reducing stresses on tissues. These braces are used to replace missing muscles and joints, as well as promote normal growth and development. A MSPO is an excellent choice for those interested in restoring function to patients who have had amputation.

The curriculum at KSU is designed to provide a broad educational background in the field of prosthetics and orthotics. Students will receive instruction in basic engineering, shop methods, and specialized practical courses ranging from upper extremity prosthetics to spinal orthotics. In addition, students will participate in a rigorous clinical training program that is developed in collaboration with the American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association and limb and brace facilities across the country.

The process for obtaining a prosthetic or orthotic device is similar to that for other medical fields. The first step in the process is a referral from a physician. After a thorough assessment, the practitioner will prescribe an orthotic device and obtain funding. Afterward, the doctor will prepare the product and have it fitted. The patient will have follow-up visits to check on the treatment and maintain it. When a patient needs a prosthetic, the practitioner will consult with the rest of the rehabilitation team and explain the entire process. Look for bionics companies Philadelphia here!

After receiving Philadelphia prosthetics device, the practitioner must evaluate the fit. In addition, the practitioner must be knowledgeable about the principles of mechanics and chemistry. This is important as these concepts are essential to the successful fabrication of an orthotic or prosthetic device. The practice of prosthetics and orthotics involves a variety of technical skills, which will help the patient function better. Once a patient receives a prosthetic device, the practitioner will be able to evaluate its fit and make necessary adjustments.

The practice of prosthetics and orthotics involves a diverse range of clinical skills. An orthotist creates and fits an artificial limb for a patient. They interact with patients to ensure their comfort and fit. The role of a prosthetist includes consulting with the patient and their rehabilitation team. They will advise their clients on the proper use of their new device, and may work closely with their medical team.

The World Health Organization has developed global standards in prosthetics and orthotics. This document was prepared in collaboration with the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics, the United States Agency for International Development, and various professional associations. The goal of the MSPO degree in prosthetics and orthotics is to improve the quality of life of those who need them. The MSPO degree focuses on the development of custom-molded prosthetics and orthotics. Know more about prosthetics at

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